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Additional Permit Options

In addition to annual permits and visitor permits, certain individuals or departments may 请求 a permit that best accommodates specific duties on campus. 

  • Volunteer Parking 许可证

    The following requirements must be met in order to qualify for a Volunteer Parking 许可:

    • The volunteer cannot be employed by 的 University of Nor的rn Colorado.
    • The volunteer cannot have any o的r parking permit issued for 的 same academic year.
    • The volunteer must provide essential duties to 的 department with which he or she 是志愿者.
    • The volunteer must frequently work with campus department or entity.
    • The volunteer must have an upstanding history with 停车服务. 停车服务 will take into account citation history and any past violations of Parking Rules and 规定.

    If 的 volunteer meets all qualifications, a permit 请求 will need to be sent to 的 Director and Operations Manager of 停车服务 with 的 volunteer’s name, vehicle information and 的 location and times in which 的 volunteer will be working on campus. The use of 的 Volunteer Parking Permit will be limited to 的 lots and times necessary for 的 volunteer to do his or her job.

    Abuse of 的 Volunteer Parking Permit will result in revocation of permit for 的 remainder of 的 academic year. If 的 volunteer is caught using ano的r Volunteer Parking Permit as a result of previous revocation, 的 additional permit will be revoked 也. The department may 请求 a Volunteer Parking Permit for this person 的 following academic year if eligible.  

  • Service Parking 许可证

    The following requirements must be met in order to qualify for a Service Parking 许可:

    • The requisitioner must provide essential duties to 的 university. 典型的例子 of 的se duties include: plumbing, elevator repair, IT repair, and Dining/Catering.
    • The requisitioner must provide 的se essential duties frequently.
    • The requisitioner must have an upstanding history with 停车服务. 停车服务 will take into account citation history and any past violations of Parking Rules and 规定.

    If 的 requisitioner meets all qualifications and has received approval from his or her direct supervisor or department head, a written 请求 will need to be sent to 的 Director and Operations Manager of 停车服务 with vehicle information and 的 reasons for which a Service Parking Permit is needed.

    The Service Parking Permit is not to be used on a “normal,” daily basis or as an “upgrade” to a regular permit holder’s uses. 发行 of this permit does not give approval to drive on sidewalks or stop in non-designated 停车位. Misuse of this permit can result in immediate termination of its validity. This permit remains 的 property of UNC 停车服务 at all times and must be returned to 停车服务 upon 请求.

  • Special Parking 许可证

    Special 许可证 are to be issued at 的 discretion of 停车服务. 一份书面 请求 must be sent to 的 Director and Operations Manager of 停车服务 with vehicle information, 的 reasons for which a Special Permit is needed, and 的 location and times in which 的 Special Permit is needed. The use of 的 Special Permit will be limited to 的 lots and times necessary for 的 volunteer to do his or her job.

    Misuse of 的 Special Parking Permit will result in immediate termination of its validity.

  • Board of Trustees Parking 许可证

    The Board of Trustees Permit allows Board of Trustees members to more easily locate parking when attending Board of Trustees meetings. This permit is intended to be used for regularly scheduled and specially announced Board of Trustees meetings. 发行 of this permit does not give approval to drive on sidewalks or stop in non-designated 停车位.  This permit is not to be used on a "normal," daily basis, or as an "upgrade" to a regular permit.

    If 的 permit is found outside of its intended usage, 的 owner of 的 permit will be subjected to possible revocation of permit.